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If you’re feeling confused on what to eat for endometriosis, trust me, you’re not alone! There’s lots of conflicting information out there about endometriosis and what to eat to help balance your hormone levels and manage your symptoms. I’m going to help you take the guesswork out of it with this 7-day Anti-Inflammatory Meal plan for Endometriosis.


Including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis. This 7-day meal plan is built with high-fibre, nutrient-dense options like colourful and antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, pulses, wholegrains, high quality protein, and healthy fats. These foods are associated with several health benefits including better digestive health, regulated oestrogen levels, improved immunity and reduced inflammation in endometriosis.


Here's what's included:

- A downloadable 7-day meal plan that can be popped on your fridge or pinboard, complete with yummy-looking photos.

- 27 delicious meal (breakfast, lunch & dinner) and snack recipes.

- Easy to follow recipes that can be prepared and ready to eat in 30 minutes or less.

- Leftover meals. Cook once, eat multiple times - great for those busy weeks!

- An itemised grocery list to save you time when shopping.


Happy cooking!

Laura x

7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan for Endometriosis

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